Nuclear Connection Project

The NCP Working Group

Francis L. Ridge

The Project Coordinator was born in 1942 and lives near Evansville, Indiana (Mt. Vernon). Ridge is an experienced investigator officially involved in serious research of the UFO phenomena since 1960. Starting out as head of the seven-man NICAP Subcommittee (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) in Indiana in 1960, he became Indiana's MUFON State Director and FI for the Center for UFO Studies in 1989. Ridge has investigated hundreds of cases, and in 2006 re-opened the Mantell case. His computer database lists over 4,000 entries for the region covering Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky & Tennessee. He operated and directed the MADAR Project (UFO detection) from 1970 to 1995. As head of The Indiana Group he also was in charge of Indiana's Rapid Deployment Team of over 30 FIs and trained over 150 FI's during his tenure. In 1994 he wrote a book, "Regional Encounters: The FC Files". In December of 1997, Ridge  set up the NICAP web site to house archived data and more recently set up the NICAP A-Team to peer review that data.

Richard Hall

Born in 1930 he resides in Brentwood, Maryland. Hall has been a writer-editor in the Washington, D.C., area for over 40 years, including extensive work on scientific publications. He is former Assistant Director and Acting Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), and in that capacity was editor of the 200,000-word documentary report The UFO Evidence and consultant to the University of Colorado UFO Project, sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. He is a Contributing Editor to the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and a National Board Member of the Fund for UFO Research (1993-present). His latest work is Volume II: The UFO Evidence.

Dan Wilson 

Born in 1951 and lives in Painesville, Ohio. He began studying nuclear weapons, the entire nuclear weapons complex, nuclear weapons testing, and nuclear power production in 1988. He has read extensively on the UFO phenomena and has interviewed various witnesses from the Air Force, Navy, and the Atomic Energy Commission. He contributed very interesting information to the newly released book, UFOs and Nukes, by Robert Hastings. Since 1998 he has extracted vital documents from the Project Blue Book Archives for the NICAP site, and in 2006 he discovered documents proving a cover-up in the Mantell case. Since 2003 he has provided valuable researched information regarding UFOs and the nuclear connection and is now an official member of the Nuclear Connection Project.

Jean Waskiewicz

Born in 1948. She is a retired Computer Systems Analyst and  retired Michigan Mufon Webmaster. She is a member of Mufon International and served with Michigan MUFON for many years. UFO history is her passion and she loves the search for new data. She has been working feverishly on the NICAP effort since 2004. In 2006 her work on the Mantell case re-investigation for the NICAP team was absolutely essential. Her work in that regard illustrates that she will do whatever it takes to help decipher old documents and make them readable again. Without knowing it she has been in the NCP loop a long time and is now an official member of the NCP team.

Loren Gross

Born 1938. Mr. Gross became interested in UFOs as a teenager when he was a member of the civilian Ground Observer Corps in the 1950's. After graduation from high school, he served four years in the U.S. Air Force as a radar operator with the Air Defense Command. In 1966 he received his B.A. degree in social science from the University of California at Chico and has since completed postgraduate work in physical science, history, and art. Mr. Gross is the author of many booklets on the early history of the UFO problem: The UFO Wave of 1896 (1974), The Mystery of the Ghost Rockets (1974), and Charles Fort, The Fortean Society, and Unidentified Flying Objects (1976). His most well-known works are the UFOs: A History series of booklets.

Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D.

He is an industrial/organizational psychologist and test developer with many years of consulting experience in career and leadership development, executive coaching, outplacement counseling and personnel selection. Dr. Johnson graduated from the University of Washington (Seattle) with a Ph.D. in Psychology in 1987 and from the University of Colorado (Boulder) with a BA in Anthropology in 1975. Dr. Johnson has had a long term interest in the UFO phenomenon and maintains a computer database of over 150,000 UFO reports for the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, called UFOCAT. He is the author of The UFO Phenomenon: A Guide for the Perplexed (in press). He is also an avid student of the effects of rapid climate change events (RCCE) on human cultural and genetic evolution, and is currently doing research for a book on the effects of a bubonic plague epidemic on the population of Iceland.

Steven J. Dunn

Born 1952. After receiving a BA in Physics from The Lincoln University located near Oxford, PA in 1974, he joined the U. S. Navy, obtaining his Surface Warfare Officer qualification. He served as an officer in the U. S. Navy from 1976 to 1986. Since leaving the Navy, he has worked in the ASW field for various government contractors, specializing in software test and evaluation. He served in the Connecticut Army National Guard from 1983-86. He is now working for Logicon-Syscon Corp. in Dahlgren, VA.  Married, with 2 children.  Is concentrating on the Indian subcontinent for NCP-related sightings, using open sources.

Stanton T. Friedman

Received BSc and MSc degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, classified, eventually canceled, projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear powerplants for space. Since 1967 Friedman has lectured on the topic "Flying Saucers ARE Real!" at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 provinces, 16 other countries. He has published more than 80 UFO papers. He
has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared twice at the UN, and been a pioneer in many aspects of Ufology including Roswell, Majestic 12, the Betty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map work; analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace case; crashed saucers, flying saucer technology and challenges to the S.E.T.I. to Investigate) cultists. He has spent many weeks at a total of 20 document archives. Stan has successfully taken on many critics of flying saucers, Roswell, Majestic 12, including winning a debate at Oxford University.

Kevin D. Randle

A professional, investigative journalist who, for almost thirty years, has been studying the UFO phenomenon. During that time he has traveled around the United States and interviewed hundreds of witnesses. Randle was one of the first to examine the infamous Project Blue Book files, the official U.S. Air Force investigation of UFOs. More recently, he investigated the alleged crash of an extraterrestrial ship in the Roswell, New Mexico area. Randle's credentials include journalism and military intelligence training. As a former member of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and currently a special investigator for the  J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, he is considered an expert in the field. For those organizations, he has researched abduction cases, landing trace reports, and occupant sightings. Randle, a respected author, has published more than fifty magazine articles about UFOs. 

Robert Duvall

Born in 1957 just northwest of the Hanford nuclear reservation, is married with two children and resides in Edmonds, Washington. He has been in the aerospace electronics field performing mechanical packaging design for 20 plus years. Interests in UFO began at the age of 11, but weren’t strongly pursued until the early 1990’s. Military related sightings received primary attention, and through efforts to separate conventional findings from nuclear, certain patterns were noted. At the urging of a fellow researcher from Japan, he became familiar with the history of nuclear weapons development globally and in 1999 began applying that military/political history to nuclear sighting data to search for correlation. He is now dedicating all efforts to studying and documenting this apparent correlative activity in an attempt to understand intent around the nuclear weapons issue.

Raymond E. Fowler

Born in Salem, Massachusetts and received a B.A. degree (magna cum laude) from Gordon College of Liberal Arts. His career included a tour with the USAF Security Service and 25 years with GTE Government Systems. He retired early after working as a Task Manager and Senior Planner on several major weapons systems including the Minuteman and MX Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Ray Fowler’s contributions to UFOlogy are respected by UFO researchers throughout the  world. His investigation reports have been published in: Congressional Hearings, Military Publications, newspapers, magazines and professional journals in the U.S.A.and abroad. The USAF UFO Projects' Chief Scientific Consultant, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, has called Raymond Fowler, "An Outstanding UFO investigator .  .  . I know of none who is more dedicated, trustworthy or  persevering." Ray served as chairman of the NICAP Massachusetts Subcommittee, an early warning coordinator for the USAF-contracted UFO Study at the University of Colorado and as a scientific associate for the Center for UFO Study. In later years he served as director of investigations  on the board of directors of the Mutual UFO Network. He also has appeared on hundreds of radio/TV shows in the U.S.A. since 1963 including: Dave Garroway, Dick Cavett, Mike Douglas, Good Morning America, Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings and a number of Network and syndicated documentaries on UFOs.


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